Degree in Psychology
The main aim of studies in Psychology is to provide basic insight into the nature and functions of human behaviour. This insight should enable future psychologists to work in any professional sphere that involves human interaction. For this reason, the Degree in Psychology offers both core training into the biological and social determining factors underlying behaviour, and applied training into the methods and techniques commonly used by psychologists in daily practice.
Faculty-specific Regulations
Extended Enrolment Plan 2016-17
Subject to article 12 of the Academic Regulations:
- Students who have formally enrolled within the ordinary deadline are able to add courses. The extended enrolment only applies to second semester courses.
- The extended enrolment plan shall be the one approved by the Academic Committee upon the faculty or school's request. The extended enrolment plan shall be published before the ordinary enrolment deadline for new students.
Thus, the Faculty of Psychology as per the Faculty Board Meeting of 1st June 2016 establishes the following extended enrolment plan:
- The extended enrolment may be done for any second-semester course, excluding external placements and the final degree project.
- With regard to elective subjects, the extended enrolment may only be requested by students who have not exceeded the established maximum limit.
Specific Faculty of Psychology regulation on group changes (6 June 2014)
Pursuant to Article 15 of the Academic Regulations, the Faculty of Psychology declares that for assigning and changing groups during the registration process:
- Each centre will determine and make public, before the beginning of registration, the criteria for assigning and changing groups.
- Exceptionally, each centre may lay out criteria for group reassignment as long as they are regulated by the standard legislation.
- Group assignment will be handled at registration and strictly by order of arrival, depending on availability at the moment, until each group reaches maximum capacity. Exceptionally, if reassignment is necessary for any reason, it will take place strictly by order of arrival.
- Requests to change groups must be made within the timeframes indicated on the procedure sheet published on their UIB webpage. When possible to make a group change, requests will be considered that:
- Show proof of overlapping timetables that cannot be resolved by any other means.
- Show proof of an official employment contract that will create scheduling conflicts.
- Claim personal circumstances (dependence, children, etc.) or other extraordinary circumstances.
Specific Attendance Requirements in the Faculty of Psychology
In accordance with current regulations governing attendance requirements at the University of the Balearic Islands, the Faculty of Psychology has established (Faculty Board Agreement of 6th March 2013) that a minimum 30 credits shall be passed in the first year, and a minimum 60 credits shall be passed by the first month of the second year.
In any event, and as a general guide, for students who registered in 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, the Academic Regulations of 5th June 2009 (FOU 314) apply. For students who registered from 2011/2012 onwards, the regulations modified on 21st July 2011 (FOU 352) apply.
Criteria for Requesting Extraordinary Enrolment on the official Degree in Psychology
Article 9 in the Academic Regulations (applicable to 2014-15 and beyond) governs the possibility of extraordinary registration. It states that:
Article 9. Extraordinary Registration
- Extraordinary registration applies to anybody who, although not possessing an entry qualification for university, enrols on one or several subjects for personal reasons which provides them with the right to a certificate for the credits taken.
- Extraordinary registration applications must be made during the ordinary registration deadline to the person responsible for the degree who, once they have analysed the profile of the applicant, shall rule on the application as per the corresponding centre's established criteria and regulations. Applications shall be resolved at the end of the ordinary registration period.
- Students who wish to enrol for a subject as part of an extraordinary registration must comply with the established requirements in accordance with what is set out in article 4 of these regulations and, in terms of the subject, shall have the same rights and obligations as students with an ordinary registration.
- Subjects passed as part of an extraordinary registration may be accredited on an official degree up to a maximum of 30 credits. In exceptional circumstances, this limit may be exceeded so as to not reduce the established credits for the subject.
In accordance with what is set out in section 2 of article 9, the Faculty of Psychology has set the following criteria and regulations for granting extraordinary registration:
a) Extraordinary registration applications must include the specification of the subjects to be registered on and will be assigned based on reasoned assessment. As a guide, applications from Psychology professionals who wish to update their knowledge and applicants from other degrees that may require supplementary courses shall be prioritised.
b) Subjects where the maximum capacity is not reached in the ordinary registration process shall have priority.
c) Those applicants who have taken part in the university access process and not obtained a place on the Degree in Psychology will not be accepted in the extraordinary registration procedure.
Degree Award through Compensatory Pass in the Faculty of Psychology
Article 41 in the current Academic Regulations states that:
- Undergraduate students may request a compensatory pass for an obligatory or core-training subject even though they still need to pass the final degree project and external placements. The centres for each course will set a mark between 5.5 and 6.5 as a threshold of students' transcript average to be able to request a compensatory pass.
- It must be the only obligatory or core training subject pending for students to finish their course.
- Students must have exhausted all ordinary enrolments and the additional enrolment for the subject to be compensated, and have obtained a minimum mark of 'fail 3' in at least one of them.
- The average transcript mark must be above the mark set by the centre for the course being taken.
- In no way will the final degree project, external placements, specific English courses on the curriculum that accredit a level of English being attained for the degree award and elective subjects be granted a compensatory pass.
- Under the protection of section 1 of article 41, the Faculty of Psychology established at its Board Meeting on 6th June 2014 that the minimum transcript mark for students requesting a compensatory pass shall be 6.5.
The following conditions must be complied with to request a compensatory pass:
Specific Regulations to Establish the Eventualities due to Attempted Deceit in Assessments on the Degree in Psychology at the UIB
Article 32 in the UIB Academic Regulations (Regulatory Agreement 9919 of 21st July 2011 and Regulatory Agreement 10273 of 14th May 2012) sets out a general response framework for fraudulent activity in assessment of a subject, establishing a general protocol for eventualities based on punishing offending students, specifically in instances where fragments of others' work are presented as student's original work in the activities undertaken. In order to expand and specify responses beyond what is set out in the aforementioned article, the Board of the Faculty of Psychology has established the following specific regulations that shall apply for the official Degree in Psychology at the University of the Balearic Islands.
Article 1
Specifically, though not exclusively, plagiarism or cyber-plagiarism in assessment shall be considered intent to deceive, understanding as such the inclusion by students of fragments or material from other works in an activity with the clear intent to pass it off as their own. The following circumstances shall be considered as evidence of a clear intent at plagiarism or cyber-plagiarism: a) including literal or quasi-literal fragments; b) missing quotation marks; c) failing to cite sources or references, d) the lack of any recognition throughout the work of the author of the fragment or material in question. Having manipulated the work of others with the clear intent of the deceit passing undetected shall be considered an aggravating circumstance (e.g. use of the first person singular or plural to begin the plagiarised fragments, translations and/or specific lexical or syntactic changes carried out to make detection of the deceit more difficult, simple changes to the order of the original fragment, producing fragments that are passed off as original work based on a combination not produced conceptually of fragments from different sources, etc.).
Article 2
Where enrolled students clearly perform any task fraudulently that is planned as an assessed activity for a subject in such a way that the lecturer in charge deems that the attempted deceit has a major impact on undertaking the activity, the guilty students shall be awarded a mark of 0 (zero) for the activity in question. Specifically, though not exclusively, support books or material used in an examination that contain additional information to that originally printed therein shall be considered attempted deceit.
Article 3
Where the assessment activity comprises an obligatory requirement to pass the subject and/or may not be retaken by students in the same academic year, as long as the attempted deceit does not affect more than a third of the activity and the guilty students are not repeat offenders, the lecturer in charge may consider limiting the mark for the activity and award students a maximum mark to a minimum pass (5) for the activity in question.
Article 4
In instances of repeated attempted deceit, the final mark for the entire subject shall be Fail (0). This mark may only be improved by retaking the assessment in the extraordinary period of assessment, as long as the subject course guide includes this possibility for the activities affected by repeated attempts to deceive. Where the course guide does not include the possibility of resitting the aforementioned activities in the extraordinary assessment period, resits shall have to be taken, where applicable, in future academic years.
Article 5
In the event of especially serious repeat offences, the Board of the Faculty of Psychology or the committee it delegates shall assess the case and, where applicable, may propose disciplinary action against the guilty students to the UIB Executive Council.
Article 6
Where the lecturer in charge of a subject has reasonable doubts regarding a specific attempted deceit, s/he may submit the case for assessment by the Board of the Faculty of Psychology or the designated committee, which shall decide if the students involved are to be punished and, where applicable, the eventualities to establish as per the UIB Academic Regulations in general and as per the present regulations specifically. If this were the case, students involved shall have the right to be heard by the Board of the Faculty of Psychology or the designated committee, as well as to receive justified notification of the decision taken. If the Board of the Faculty designates a committee for said purpose, the affected lecturer may not be a member of this committee, although s/he shall have the right to be heard.
Article 7
If students do not agree with the decision taken by the lecturer, the Board of the Faculty of Psychology and/or the designated committee, they shall have the right to appeal against the mark as per the terms and procedures set out in the UIB Academic Regulations.